Relevant coursework: Be sure to list any courses that will emphasize skills that can be helpful for the job. Some items you’ll want to consider including in the education section of your resume are: If you have little work experience, emphasizing your education is a great way to showcase your strengths, interests, and background. If you have no experience you can point to in your resume, highlight your education, include relevant non-work experience, list your skills, and include a summary. Read more: How to Get a Job with No Experience: A Job Seeker’s Guide How to write a resume with no experience: 5 tips Here’s a resume template you can use if you have no work experience. And regardless of how much experience you have, starting a resume from scratch can be daunting. Templates can help you organize your thoughts, inspire you with ideas, and take the guesswork out of how to format your resume.

Having dedicated sections for a summary and a list of skills can round out your resume.