A per ticket booking fee of 3.85% is on charged to the client (minimum fee of $1).

Ticketebo is free for Event Organisers to use – no setup or registration costs. Ticketebo is a dinky-di Australian company based in Melbourne that offers easy-to-use ticketing pages at no cost to Event Organisers. So, before you choose an online ticketing system for your next event, take a read through our favs… Ticketebo Tickets can be scanned and no more checking people off a list. Another similarity is that all companies offer an app to help you at check in. They also all offer the ability to add team members to the event so you don’t have to manage all of the details by yourself. Most of them base their pricing on a booking fee plus percentage per ticket that can be either absorbed by you or passed on to the buyer. Such as, none of the options we have featured below charge a fee for free events. We found that a lot of the online ticketing systems all have common features. So how do you choose an event ticketing system that is right for your needs? To help we’ve put in the hard yards, tried and tested a handful and have laid out our findings below. Gone are the days of having to use big ol’ Ticketek or hustle in person door to door to sell tickets – now you can choose from a range of ticketing platforms designed to help you sell tickets and market your event. Like us, you would have found that there are LOADS of them available. If you’re promoting or selling tickets to an event, you have no doubt looked into using an online event ticketing system.